Excavator Attachments

Explore our comprehensive range of high-quality, custom Excavator Attachments - rivalling the market on performance & efficiency. Our extensive range consists of: Quick & Tilting Hitches, Rock Breakers, Rippers, Stick Rakes, Compaction Equipment, Drum Cutters, Rock Saws, Metal Shears, Magnets & many more.

Material & component selection is essential for optimal performance, which is why our range is constructed with high-grade steel, advanced hydraulics & high-strength reinforcements to mitigate unnecessary downtime & drive productivity & reliability with ease. Our attachments are available from 1T - 140T machines, depending on requirements.

All excavator attachments come with our industry-leading 5-Year Warranty, & a free Servicing Kit, which includes: blade consumable kit, seal kit, rotator seals, hoses, etc (Avg. RRP $8,950).

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